Source code for ppsim.simulation

A module for simulating population protocols.

The main class :any:`Simulation` is created with a description of the protocol and the initial condition,
and is responsible for running the simulation.

The general syntax is

.. code-block:: python

    a, b, u = 'A', 'B', 'U'
    approx_majority = {
        (a,b): (u,u),
        (a,u): (a,a),
        (b,u): (b,b),
    n = 10 ** 5
    init_config = {a: 0.51 * n, b: 0.49 * n}
    sim = Simulation(init_config=init_config, rule=approx_majority)

More examples given in

:py:meth:`time_trials` is a convenience function used for gathering data about the
convergence time of a protocol.

import dataclasses
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
import math
from time import perf_counter
from typing import Union, Hashable, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Optional, List, Iterable, Set, Any
from natsort import natsorted
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import tqdm

from . import simulator
from ppsim.crn import Reaction, reactions_to_dict
from ppsim.snapshot import Snapshot, TimeUpdate

# TODO: these names are not showing up in the mouseover information
State = Hashable
Output = Union[Tuple[State, State], Dict[Tuple[State, State], float]]
TransitionFunction = Callable[[State, State], Output]
Rule = Union[TransitionFunction, Dict[Tuple[State, State], Output], Iterable[Reaction]]
"""Type representing transition rule for protocol. Is one of three types: TODO"""

ConvergenceDetector = Callable[[Dict[State, int]], bool]

# TODO: give other option for when the number of reachable states is large or unbounded
[docs]def state_enumeration(init_dist: Dict[State, int], rule: Callable[[State, State], Output]) -> Set[State]: """Finds all reachable states by breadth-first search. Args: init_dist: dictionary mapping states to counts (states are any hashable type, commonly NamedTuple or String) rule: function mapping a pair of states to either a pair of states or to a dictionary mapping pairs of states to probabilities Returns: a set of all reachable states """ checked_states = set() unchecked_states = set(init_dist.keys()) while len(unchecked_states) > 0: unchecked_state = unchecked_states.pop() if unchecked_state not in checked_states: checked_states.add(unchecked_state) for checked_state in checked_states: for new_states in [rule(checked_state, unchecked_state), rule(unchecked_state, checked_state)]: if new_states is not None: if isinstance(new_states, dict): # if the output is a distribution new_states = sum(new_states.keys(), ()) for new_state in new_states: if new_state not in checked_states and new_state not in unchecked_states: unchecked_states.add(new_state) return checked_states
[docs]@dataclass class Simulation: """Class to simulate a population protocol.""" state_list: List[State] """A sorted list of all reachable states.""" state_dict: Dict[State, int] """Maps states to their integer index to be used in array representations.""" simulator: simulator.Simulator """An internal :any:`Simulator` object, whose methods actually perform the steps of the simulation.""" configs: List[np.ndarray] """A list of all configurations that have been recorded during the simulation, as integer arrays.""" time: float """The current time.""" times: List[Union[float, timedelta]] """A list of all the corresponding times for configs.""" steps_per_time_unit: float """Number of simulated interactions per time unit.""" time_units: Optional[str] """The units that time is in.""" continuous_time: bool """Whether continuous time is used. The regular discrete time model considers :any:`steps_per_time_unit` steps to be 1 unit of time. The continuous time model is a poisson process, with expected :any:`steps_per_time_unit` steps per 1 unit of time.""" column_names: Union[pd.MultiIndex, List[str]] """Columns representing all states for pandas dataframe. If the State is a tuple, NamedTuple, or dataclass, this will be a pandas MultiIndex based on the various fields. Otherwise it is list of str(State) for each State.""" snapshots: List[Snapshot] """A list of :any:`Snapshot` objects, which get periodically called during the running of the simulation to give live updates.""" rng: np.random.Generator """A numpy random generator used to sample random variables outside the cython code.""" seed: Optional[int] """The optional integer seed used for rng and inside cython code.""" def __init__(self, init_config: Dict[State, int], rule: Rule, simulator_method: str = "MultiBatch", transition_order: str = "symmetric", seed: Optional[int] = None, volume: Optional[float] = None, continuous_time: bool = False, time_units: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs): """Initialize a Simulation. Args: init_config: The starting configuration, as a dictionary mapping states to counts. rule (:any:`Rule`): A representation of the transition rule. The first two options are a dictionary, whose keys are tuples of 2 states and values are their outputs, or a function which takes pairs of states as input. For a deterministic transition function, the output is a tuple of 2 states. For a probabilistic transition function, the output is a dictionary mapping tuples of states to probabilities. Inputs that are not present in the dictionary, or return None from the function, are interpreted as null transitions that return the same pair of states as the output. The third option is a list of :any:`Reaction` objects describing a CRN, which will be parsed into an equivalent population protocol. simulator_method: Which Simulator method to use, either ``'MultiBatch'`` or ``'Sequential'``. ``'MultiBatch'``: :any:`SimulatorMultiBatch` does O(sqrt(n)) interaction steps in parallel using batching, and is much faster for large population sizes and relatively small state sets. ``'Sequential'``: :any:`SimulatorSequentialArray` represents the population as an array of agents, and simulates each interaction step by choosing a pair of agents to update. Defaults to 'MultiBatch'. transition_order: Should the rule be interpreted as being symmetric, either ``'asymmetric'``, ``'symmetric'``, or ``'symmetric_enforced'``. Defaults to 'symmetric'. ``'asymmetric'``: Ordering of the inputs matters, and all inputs not explicitly given as assumed to be null interactions. ``'symmetric'``: The input pairs are interpreted as unordered. If rule(a, b) returns None, while rule(b, a) has a non-null output, then the output of rule(a, b) is assumed to be the same as rule(b, a). If rule(a, b) and rule(b, a) are each given, there is no effect. Asymmetric interactions can be explicitly included this way. ``'symmetric_enforced'``: The same as symmetric, except that if rule(a, b) and rule(b, a) are non-null and do not give the same set of outputs, a ValueError is raised. seed: An optional integer used as the seed for all pseudorandom number generation. Defaults to None. volume: If a list of :any:`Reaction` objects is given for a CRN, then the parameter volume can be passed in here. Defaults to None. If None, the volume will be assumed to be the population size n. continuous_time: Whether continuous time is used. Defaults to False. If a CRN as a list of reactions is passed in, this will be set to True. time_units: An optional string given the units that time is in. Defaults to None. This must be a valid string to pass as unit to pandas.to_timedelta. **kwargs: If `rule` is a function, any extra function parameters are passed in here, beyond the first two arguments representing the two agents. For example, if `rule` is defined: .. code-block:: python def rule(sender: int, receiver: int, threshold: int) -> Tuple[int, int]: if sender + receiver > threshold: return 0, 0 else: return sender, receiver+1 To use a threshold of 20 in each interaction, in the :any:`Simulation` constructor, use .. code-block:: python sim = Simulation(init_config, rule, threshold=20) """ self.seed = seed self.rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self.n = sum(init_config.values()) self.steps_per_time_unit = self.n self.time_units = time_units self.continuous_time = continuous_time # if rule is iterable of Reactions from the crn module, then convert to dict rule_is_reaction_iterable = True try: for reaction in rule: if not isinstance(reaction, Reaction): rule_is_reaction_iterable = False break except: # might end up here if rule is not even iterable, e.g., is a function rule_is_reaction_iterable = False if rule_is_reaction_iterable: if volume is None: volume = self.n rule, rate_max = reactions_to_dict(rule, self.n, volume) transition_order = 'asymmetric' self.steps_per_time_unit *= rate_max # Default to continuous time for lists of reactions self.continuous_time = True self._rule = rule self._rule_kwargs = kwargs # Get a list of all reachable states, use the natsort library to put in a nice order. if type(self._rule) == dict: # If the rule is a dict, we can loop over the entries to get all states states = [] for input, output in self._rule.items(): states.extend(input) if type(output) == dict: for pair in output.keys(): states.extend(pair) else: states.extend(output) state_list = list(set(states)) else: # Otherwise, we use breadth-first search to find all reachable states state_list = list(state_enumeration(init_config, self.rule)) # We use the natsorted library to put state_list in a reasonable order self.state_list = natsorted(state_list, key=lambda x: repr(x)) self.state_dict = {state: i for i, state in enumerate(self.state_list)} if simulator_method.lower() == 'multibatch': self._method = simulator.SimulatorMultiBatch elif simulator_method.lower() == 'sequential': self._method = simulator.SimulatorSequentialArray else: raise ValueError('simulator_method must be multibatch or sequential') self._transition_order = transition_order self.initialize_simulator(self.array_from_dict(init_config)) # Check an arbitrary state to see if it has fields. # This will be true for either a tuple, NamedTuple, or dataclass. state = next(iter(init_config.keys())) # Check for dataclass. if dataclasses.is_dataclass(state): field_names = [ for field in dataclasses.fields(state)] tuples = [dataclasses.astuple(state) for state in self.state_list] else: # Check for NamedTuple. field_names = getattr(state, '_fields', None) tuples = self.state_list # Check also for tuple. if (field_names and len(field_names) > 1)\ or (isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) > 1): # Make a MultiIndex only if there are multiple fields self.column_names = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=field_names) else: self.column_names = [str(i) for i in self.state_list] self.configs = [] self.times = [] self.time = 0 self.add_config() # private history dataframe is initially empty, updated by the getter of property self.history self._history = pd.DataFrame(data=self.configs, index=pd.Index(self.times_in_units(self.times)), columns=self.column_names) self.snapshots = []
[docs] def rule(self, a, b): """The rule, as a function of two input states.""" # If the input rule was a dict if type(self._rule) == dict: if (a, b) in self._rule: return self._rule[(a, b)] # If the input rule was a function, with possible kwargs elif callable(self._rule): # Make a fresh copy in the case of a dataclass in case the function mutates a, b if dataclasses.is_dataclass(a): a, b = dataclasses.replace(a), dataclasses.replace(b) # TODO: this doesn't help if the dataclass has more classes as fields # using deepcopy fixes this problem, but is significantly slower # a, b = deepcopy(a), deepcopy(b) output = self._rule(a, b, **self._rule_kwargs) # If function just mutates a, b but doesn't return, then return new a, b values return (a, b) if output is None else output else: raise TypeError("rule must be either a dict or a callable.")
[docs] def initialize_simulator(self, config): """Build the data structures necessary to instantiate the :any:`Simulator` class. Args: config: The config array to instantiate :any:`Simulator`. """ q = len(self.state_list) delta = np.zeros((q, q, 2), dtype=np.intp) null_transitions = np.zeros((q, q), dtype=bool) random_transitions = np.zeros((q, q, 2), dtype=np.intp) random_outputs = [] transition_probabilities = [] for i, a in enumerate(self.state_list): for j, b in enumerate(self.state_list): output = self.rule(a, b) # when output is a distribution if type(output) == dict: s = sum(output.values()) assert s <= 1 + 2 ** -20, "The sum of output probabilities must be <= 1." # ensure probabilities sum to 1 if 1 - s: if (a, b) in output.keys(): output[(a, b)] += 1 - s else: output[(a, b)] = 1 - s if len(output) == 1: # distribution only had 1 output, not actually random output = next(iter(output.keys())) else: # add (number of outputs, index to outputs) random_transitions[i, j] = (len(output), len(random_outputs)) for (x, y) in output.keys(): random_outputs.append((self.state_dict[x], self.state_dict[y])) transition_probabilities.extend(list(output.values())) if output is None or set(output) == {a, b}: null_transitions[i, j] = True delta[i, j] = (i, j) elif type(output) == tuple: delta[i, j] = (self.state_dict[output[0]], self.state_dict[output[1]]) random_outputs = np.array(random_outputs, dtype=np.intp) transition_probabilities = np.array(transition_probabilities, dtype=float) if self._transition_order.lower() in ['symmetric', 'symmetric_enforced']: for i in range(q): for j in range(q): # Set the output for i, j to be equal to j, i if null if null_transitions[i, j]: null_transitions[i, j] = null_transitions[j, i] delta[i, j] = delta[j, i] random_transitions[i, j] = random_transitions[j, i] # If i, j and j, i are both non-null, with symmetric_enforced, check outputs are equal elif self._transition_order.lower() == 'symmetric_enforced' \ and not null_transitions[j, i]: if sorted(delta[i, j]) != sorted(delta[j, i]) or \ random_transitions[i, j, 0] != random_transitions[j, i, 0]: a, b = self.state_list[i], self.state_list[j] raise ValueError(f'''Asymmetric interaction: {a, b} -> {self.rule(a, b)} {b, a} -> {self.rule(b, a)}''') self.simulator = self._method(config, delta, null_transitions, random_transitions, random_outputs, transition_probabilities, self.seed)
[docs] def array_from_dict(self, d: Dict) -> np.ndarray: """Convert a configuration dictionary to an array. Args: d: A dictionary mapping states to counts. Returns: An array giving counts of all states, in the order of self.state_list. """ a = np.zeros(len(self.state_list), dtype=np.int64) for k in d.keys(): a[self.state_dict[k]] += d[k] return a
[docs] def run(self, run_until: Union[float, ConvergenceDetector] = None, history_interval: Union[float, Callable[[float], float]] = 1., stopping_interval: float = 1., timer: bool = True) -> None: """Runs the simulation. Can give a fixed amount of time to run the simulation, or a function that checks the configuration for convergence. Args: run_until: The stop condition. To run for a fixed amount of time, give a numerical value. To run until a convergence criterion, give a function mapping a configuration (as a dictionary mapping states to counts) to a boolean. The run will stop when the function returns True. Defaults to None. If None, the simulation will run until the configuration is silent (all transitions are null). This only works with the multibatch simulator method, if another simulator method is given, then using None will raise a ValueError. history_interval: The length to run the simulator before recording data, in current time units. Defaults to 1. This can either be a float, or a function that takes the current time and and returns a float. stopping_interval: The length to run the simulator before checking for the stop condition. timer: If True, and there are no other snapshot objects, a default :any:`TimeUpdate` snapshot will be created to print updates with the current time. Defaults to True. """ if len(self.snapshots) == 0 and timer is True: if type(run_until) is float or type(run_until) is int: self.add_snapshot(TimeUpdate(time_bound=run_until)) else: self.add_snapshot(TimeUpdate()) end_time = None # stop_condition() returns True when it is time to stop if run_until is None: if type(self.simulator) != simulator.SimulatorMultiBatch: raise ValueError('Running until silence only works with multibatch simulator.') def stop_condition(): return self.simulator.silent elif type(run_until) is float or type(run_until) is int: end_time = self.time + run_until def stop_condition(): return self.time >= end_time elif callable(run_until): def stop_condition(): return run_until(self.config_dict) else: raise TypeError('run_until must be a float, int, function, or None.') # Stop if stop_condition is already met if stop_condition(): return def get_next_history_time(): # Get the next time that will be recorded to self.times and self.history if callable(history_interval): length = history_interval(self.time) else: length = history_interval if length <= 0: raise ValueError('history_interval must always be strictly positive.') return self.time + length if stopping_interval <= 0: raise ValueError('stopping_interval must always be strictly positive.') next_history_time = get_next_history_time() def get_next_time(): # Get the next time simulator will run until t = min(next_history_time, self.time + stopping_interval) if end_time is not None: t = min(t, end_time) return t next_time = get_next_time() # The next step that the simulator will be run until, which corresponds to parallel time next_time next_step = self.time_to_steps(next_time) for snapshot in self.snapshots: snapshot.next_snapshot_time = perf_counter() + snapshot.update_time # add max_wall_clock to be the minimum snapshot update time, to put a time bound on calls to max_wallclock_time = [min([s.update_time for s in self.snapshots])] if len(self.snapshots) > 0 else [] while stop_condition() is False: if self.time >= next_time: next_time = get_next_time() next_step = self.time_to_steps(next_time) current_step = self.simulator.t, *max_wallclock_time) if self.simulator.t == next_step: self.time = next_time elif self.simulator.t < next_step: # simulator exited early from hitting max_wallclock_time # add a fraction of the time until next_time equal to the fractional progress made by simulator self.time += (next_time - self.time) * (self.simulator.t - current_step) / (next_step - current_step) else: raise RuntimeError(f'The simulator ran to step {self.simulator.t} past the next step {next_step}.') if self.time >= next_history_time: assert self.time == next_history_time, \ f'self.time = {self.time} overshot next_history_time = {next_history_time}' self.add_config() next_history_time = get_next_history_time() for snapshot in self.snapshots: if perf_counter() >= snapshot.next_snapshot_time: snapshot.update() snapshot.next_snapshot_time = perf_counter() + snapshot.update_time # add the final configuration if it wasn't already recorded if self.time > self.times[-1]: self.add_config() # final updates for all snapshots for snapshot in self.snapshots: snapshot.update() if len(self.snapshots) == 1 and type(self.snapshots[0]) is TimeUpdate: self.snapshots[0].pbar.close() self.snapshots.pop()
# print() @property def reactions(self) -> str: """ A string showing all non-null transitions in reaction notation. Each reaction is separated by newlines, so that ``print(self.reactions)`` will display all reactions. Only works with simulator method multibatch, otherwise will raise a ValueError. """ if type(self.simulator) != simulator.SimulatorMultiBatch: raise ValueError('reactions must be defined by multibatch simulator.') w = max([len(str(state)) for state in self.state_list]) reactions = [self._reaction_string(r, p, w) for (r, p) in zip(self.simulator.reactions, self.simulator.reaction_probabilities)] return '\n'.join(reactions) @property def enabled_reactions(self) -> str: """ A string showing all non-null transitions that are currently enabled. This can only check the current configuration in self.simulator. Each reaction is separated by newlines, so that ``print(self.enabled_reactions)`` will display all enabled reactions. """ if type(self.simulator) != simulator.SimulatorMultiBatch: raise ValueError('reactions must be defined by multibatch simulator.') w = max([len(str(state)) for state in self.state_list]) self.simulator.get_enabled_reactions() reactions = [] for i in range(self.simulator.num_enabled_reactions): r = self.simulator.reactions[self.simulator.enabled_reactions[i]] p = self.simulator.reaction_probabilities[self.simulator.enabled_reactions[i]] reactions.append(self._reaction_string(r, p, w)) return '\n'.join(reactions) def _reaction_string(self, reaction, p: float = 1, w: int = 1) -> str: """A string representation of a reaction.""" reactants = [self.state_list[i] for i in sorted(reaction[0:2])] products = [self.state_list[i] for i in sorted(reaction[2:])] s = '{0}, {1} --> {2}, {3}'.format(*[str(x).rjust(w) for x in reactants + products]) if p < 1: s += f' with probability {p}' return s # TODO: If this changes n, then the timescale must change
[docs] def reset(self, init_config: Optional[Dict[State, int]] = None) -> None: """Reset the simulation. Args: init_config: The configuration to reset to. Defaults to None. If None, will use the old initial configuration. """ if init_config is None: config = self.configs[0] else: config = np.zeros(len(self.state_list), dtype=np.int64) for k in init_config.keys(): config[self.state_dict[k]] += init_config[k] self.configs = [config] self.times = [0] self.time = 0 self._history = pd.DataFrame(data=self.configs, index=pd.Index(self.times, name='time'), columns=self._history.columns) self.simulator.reset(config)
# TODO: If this changes n, then the timescale must change
[docs] def set_config(self, config: Union[Dict[State, int], np.ndarray]) -> None: """Change the current configuration. Args: config: The configuration to change to. This can be a dictionary, mapping states to counts, or an array giving counts in the order of :any:`state_list`. """ if type(config) is dict: config_array = self.array_from_dict(config) else: config_array = np.array(config, dtype=np.int64) self.simulator.reset(config_array, self.simulator.t) self.add_config()
[docs] def time_to_steps(self, time: float) -> int: """Convert simulated time into number of simulated interaction steps. Args: time: The amount of time to convert. """ if self.continuous_time: # In continuous time the number of interactions to simulate is a Poisson random variable # The last recorded simulated time was self.time, and at this point we had simulated self.simulator.t # total interactions. We first compute the expected number of additional steps to simulate. expected_steps = (time - self.time) * self.steps_per_time_unit return self.simulator.t + self.rng.poisson(expected_steps) else: # In discrete time we multiply to convert return math.floor(time * self.steps_per_time_unit)
@property def config_dict(self) -> Dict[State, int]: """The current configuration, as a dictionary mapping states to counts.""" return {self.state_list[i]: self.simulator.config[i] for i in np.nonzero(self.simulator.config)[0]} @property def config_array(self) -> np.ndarray: """The current configuration in the simulator, as an array of counts. The array is given in the same order as self.state_list. The index of state s is self.state_dict[s]. """ return np.asarray(self.simulator.config) @property def history(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """A pandas dataframe containing the history of all recorded configurations.""" h = len(self._history) if h < len(self.configs): new_history = pd.DataFrame(data=self.configs[h:], index=pd.Index(self.times_in_units(self.times[h:])), columns=self._history.columns) self._history = pd.concat([self._history, new_history]) if self.time_units is None: if self.continuous_time: = 'time (continuous units)' else: n = "n" if self.n == self.steps_per_time_unit else str(self.steps_per_time_unit) = f'time ({n} interactions)' return self._history @property def null_probability(self) -> float: """The probability the next interaction is null.""" if type(self.simulator) != simulator.SimulatorMultiBatch: raise ValueError('null probability requires by multibatch simulator.') self.simulator.get_enabled_reactions() n = self.simulator.n return 1 - self.simulator.get_total_propensity() / (n * (n-1) / 2)
[docs] def times_in_units(self, times: Iterable[float]) -> Iterable[Any]: """If :any:`time_units` is defined, convert time list to appropriate units.""" if self.time_units: return pd.to_timedelta(times, unit=self.time_units) else: return times
[docs] def add_config(self) -> None: """Appends the current simulator configuration and time.""" self.configs.append(np.array(self.simulator.config)) self.times.append(self.time)
[docs] def set_snapshot_time(self, time: float) -> None: """Updates all snapshots to the nearest recorded configuration to a specified time. Args: time: The parallel time to update the snapshots to. """ index = np.searchsorted(self.times, time) for snapshot in self.snapshots: snapshot.update(index=index)
[docs] def set_snapshot_index(self, index: int) -> None: """Updates all snapshots to the configuration :any:`configs` ``[index]``. Args: index: The index of the configuration. """ for snapshot in self.snapshots: snapshot.update(index=index)
[docs] def add_snapshot(self, snap: "Snapshot") -> None: """Add a new :any:`Snapshot` to :any:`snapshots`. Args: snap: The :any:`Snapshot` object to be added. """ snap.simulation = self snap.initialize() snap.update() self.snapshots.append(snap)
[docs] def snapshot_slider(self, var: str = 'index') -> "widgets.interactive": """Returns a slider that updates all :any:`Snapshot` objects. Returns a slider from the ipywidgets library. Args: var: What variable the slider uses, either ``'index'`` or ``'time'``. """ import ipywidgets as widgets if var.lower() == 'index': return widgets.interactive(self.set_snapshot_index, index=widgets.IntSlider(min=0, max=len(self.times) - 1, layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%'), step=1)) elif var.lower() == 'time': return widgets.interactive(self.set_snapshot_time, time=widgets.FloatSlider(min=self.times[0], max=self.times[-1], layout=widgets.Layout(width='100%'), step=0.01)) else: raise ValueError("var must be either 'index' or 'time'.")
[docs] def sample_silence_time(self) -> float: """Starts a new trial from the initial distribution and return time until silence.""" if type(self.simulator) != simulator.SimulatorMultiBatch: raise ValueError('silence time can only be found by multibatch simulator.') self.simulator.run_until_silent(np.array(self.configs[0])) return self.time
[docs] def sample_future_configuration(self, time: float, num_samples: int = 100) -> pd.DataFrame: """Repeatedly samples the configuration at a fixed future time. Args: time: The amount of time ahead to sample the configuration. num_samples: The number of samples to get. Returns: A dataframe whose rows are the sampled configuration. """ samples = [] t = self.simulator.t for _ in tqdm(range(num_samples)): self.simulator.reset(np.array(self.configs[-1]), t) end_step = t + self.time_to_steps(time) samples.append(np.array(self.simulator.config)) return pd.DataFrame(data=samples, index=pd.Index(range(num_samples), name='trial #'), columns=self._history.columns)
def __getstate__(self): """Returns information to be pickled.""" # Clear _history such that it can be regenerated by self.history d = dict(self.__dict__) d['_history'] = pd.DataFrame(data=self.configs[0:1], index=pd.Index(self.times_in_units(self.times[0:1])), columns=self._history.columns) del d['simulator'] return d def __setstate__(self, state) -> None: """Instantiates from the pickled state information.""" self.__dict__ = state self.initialize_simulator(self.configs[-1])
[docs]def time_trials(rule: Rule, ns: List[int], initial_conditions: Union[Callable, List], convergence_condition: Optional[Callable] = None, convergence_check_interval: float = 0.1, num_trials: int = 100, max_wallclock_time: float = 60 * 60 * 24, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """Gathers data about the convergence time of a rule. Args: rule: The rule that is used to generate the :any:`Simulation` object. ns: A list of population sizes n to sample from. This should be in increasing order. initial_conditions: An initial condition is a dict mapping states to counts. This can either be a list of initial conditions, or a function mapping population size n to an initial condition of n agents. convergence_condition: A boolean function that takes a configuration dict as input and returns True if that configuration has converged. Defaults to None. If None, the simulation will run until silent (all transitions are null), and the data will be for silence time. convergence_check_interval: How often (in parallel time) the simulation will run between convergence checks. Defaults to 0.1. Smaller values give better resolution, but spend more time checking for convergence. num_trials: The maximum number of trials that will be done for each population size n, if there is sufficient time. Defaults to 100. If you want to ensure that you get the full num_trials samples for each value n, use a large value for time_bound. max_wallclock_time: A bound (in seconds) for how long this function will run. Each value n is given a time budget based on the time remaining, and will stop before doing num_trials runs when this time budget runs out. Defaults to 60 * 60 * 24 (one day). **kwargs: Other keyword arguments to pass into :any:`Simulation`. Returns: A pandas dataframe giving the data from each trial, with two columns ``'n''`` and ``'time'``. A good way to visualize this dataframe is using the seaborn library, calling ``sns.lineplot(x='n', y='time', data=df)``. """ d = {'n': [], 'time': []} end_time = perf_counter() + max_wallclock_time if callable(initial_conditions): initial_conditions = [initial_conditions(n) for n in ns] for i in tqdm(range(len(ns))): sim = Simulation(initial_conditions[i], rule, **kwargs) t = perf_counter() time_limit = t + (end_time - t) / (len(ns) - i) j = 0 while j < num_trials and perf_counter() < time_limit: j += 1 sim.reset(initial_conditions[i]), stopping_interval=convergence_check_interval, timer=False) d['n'].append(ns[i]) d['time'].append(sim.time) return pd.DataFrame(data=d)